Lai, Min-Tisa
Min-Tsai Lai (賴明材)

Department of Business Administration Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology No. 1, Nan‐Tai Street, Yong Kang Dist., Tainan 71005, Taiwan
Office: L107 TEL: 886‐6‐2533131 ext.2100 FAX: 886‐6‐2537622 EMAIL:
n PhD, Industrial
Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, 1990/7.
n Master, Industrial
Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, 1986/7.
n B.S., Department of
Statistics, National Cheng Kung University, 1984/7.
Area of Specialty
Operations Research
Statistical Application
Operations Management
n Dean, College of
Business, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2009/2 to present.
n Dean, College of Management,
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2008/7 to 2009/1present.
n Professor,
Department of Business Administration, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2008/2 to present.
n Associate Professor &
Chairman, Department of Business Administration, Southern Taiwan University, 2003/8
to 2008/1.
n Associate Professor,
Department of Management and Information Technology, Southern Taiwan
University, 2003/1 to 2003/7.
n Associate Professor,
Department of Industrial Management; Dean of the General Affairs Office, Southern
Taiwan University of Technology, 1998/8 to 2002/12.
n Associate Professor,
Department of Industrial Management; Dean of the General Affairs Office,
Nan-Tai Institute of Technology, 1996/8 to 1998/7.
n Associate Professor,
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Dean of the General
Affairs Office, Nan-Tai Junior College, 1996/2 to 1996/7.
n Associate Professor and
Chairman, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Nan-Tai Junior
College, 1992/8 to 1996/1.
n Associate
Professor& Chairman, Department of Business Administration, Nan-Tai Junior
College, Tainan, 1991/8 to 1992/7.
n Associate Professor,
Department of Industrial Management, Chung Hua University, 1990/8 to 1991/7.
n Instructor,
Department of Industrial Management, Van Nung Institute of Industry, 1988/8 to 1990/7.
Journal Papers:
- Min‐Tsai Lai and Shih‐Chih Chen, A bivariate optimal replacement policy with cumulative repair cost limit under cumulative damage model, Sadhana, 41(5), pp.497‐505, 2016. [SCI] MOST 104‐2410‐H‐218 ‐012 ‐MY2.
- Min‐Tsai Lai and Huey Yan, Optimal number of minimal repairs with cumulative repair cost limit for a two‐unit system with failure rate interactions, International Journal of Systems Science , 47(2), pp.466‐473, 2016. [SCI] NSC100‐2410‐H‐218‐006‐MY2.
- Shih‐Chih Chen, Din Jong and Min‐Tsai Lai, Assessing the Relationship between Technology Readiness and Continuance Intention in an e‐Appointment System: Relationship Quality as a Mediator, Journal of Medical Systems, 38(9), pp.1‐12, 2014. [SCI]
- Shih‐Chih Chen, Yu‐Bin Chiu, Min‐Tsai Lai, Chih‐Hung Wu, Huei‐Huang Chen and Shin‐Yin Zhang, An Empirical Study of Users’ Loyalty on Virtual Communities: The Prospective of Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation, Journal of e‐Business, 16(3), pp.309‐338, 2014. (in Chinese) [TSSCI]
- Min‐Tsai Lai, Optimal number of Minimal Repairs under a Cumulative Damage Model with Cumulative Repair Cost Limit. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc– Maintenance and Reliability, 16(3), pp.464‐471, 2014. [SCI] Min‐Tsai Lai, Optimal Replacement Period with Repair Cost Limit and Cumulative Damage Model. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc–Maintenance and Reliability, 16(2), pp.246‐252, 2014. [SCI] NSC 99‐2410‐H‐218 ‐016.
- Min‐Tsai Lai and Cheng‐Yang Chang, Study of the Relationships among service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and recommendation intention: A Study of bookkeeping industry in Tainan. Journal of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 38(4), pp.1‐16, 2013. (in Chinese) Min‐Tsai Lai, Optimum number of minimal repair for a system under increasing failure rate shock model with cumulative repair‐cost limit, International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 7(2), pp.95‐107, 2013. [EI] NSC97‐2410‐H‐218‐014‐ MY2.
- Min‐Tsai Lai, Replacement Model with cumulative repair cost limit for a two‐unit system under failure rate interaction between units, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 19(5), pp.1‐14, 2012. [EI] NSC 100‐2410‐ H‐ 218‐006‐MY2
- Min‐Tsai Lai and Chung‐Wen Hung, Preventive replacement policy with cumulative repair‐cost limit for a system under increasing failure rate shock model, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 9(4), pp.423‐436, 2012. NSC97‐2410‐H‐218‐014‐MY2
Conference Papers:
- Min‐Tsai Lai, Two‐parameter replacement policy with double
repair cost limits for a system under
increasing failure rate model, 2016
International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance,
and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE2016)
& 2016 World Congress on Engineering Asset
Management (WCEAM 2016), Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan,
- Min‐Tsai Lai and Taqwa Hariguna, Periodical replacement
model for a One‐unit System with
Double Repair Cost Limits, 2015 International Conference on Advances in
Management Science and Engineering, 2015/07, Phuket, Thailand.
- Min‐Tsai Lai, Discrete
Replacement Policy with Cumulative Repair Cost Limit for a Two‐Unit System under Failure Rate
Interaction, 2013 International Conference on Business and Information,
2013/07, Bali, Indonesia.
- Min‐Tsai Lai, Discrete
replacement policy for a system under
increasing failure rate shock model
based on cumulative repair‐cost limit, 2012 International Conference on
Business and Information, 2012/07, Sapporo,
- Min‐Tsai Lai and Cheng‐Yang
Chang, The relationships of service quality,
perceived value, customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend for
bookkeeping business, An empirical study of Tainan
area of Taiwan, The 9th
Conference on Services and Innovation Management, 2012/05, Southern Taiwan University of Science and technology. (in Chinese)
Ministry of Education, No: 721050127‐GP, 2016 Project for
enhancing the ability of practice of teachers and students in Science and Technology
University, NT. 8,705,928, 2016/7-2017/6.
Ministry of Education, No: 721040165‐GP, Enhancing the
University 's Professional Management Ability Project in Science and Technology
University(1st Year), NT.2,600,000, 2015/8-2016/7.
Ministry of Science and Technology, No:
MOST 104‐2410‐H‐218‐012‐MY2, Multi‐criteria Preventive
replacement models by combining the concepts of single and cumulative repair
cost limit under different shock models, NT. 955,000, 2015/8‐‐2017/7.
Ministry of Education, No: 721040100‐GP, 2015 Project for
enhancing the ability of practice of teachers and students in Science and Technology
University, NT. 6,483,480, 2015/7-2016/6.
Ministry of Education, No: 721040107‐GP, 2015 Project for
enhancing the development of practical courses in Science and Technology
University, NT. 1,360,000, 2015/7-2016/6.
Ministry of Education, No: 321030210‐GP, 2014 Project for
enhancing Full‐English
Degree program of Science and Technology University, NT.3,080,000, 2014/11- 2016/1.
Ministry of Science and Technology, No:
MOST 103‐2410‐H‐218‐005, Preventive
Replacement Models with Cumulative Repair Cost limit for a two‐unit system under
shock damage interaction between units, NT. 339,000, 2014/8‐‐2015/7.
Ministry of Education, No: 321010010‐GP, 2012 Information
and Communication Security Program Project , NT.1,875,000, 2012/2-2013/1.
National Science Council, No: NSC‐100‐2410‐H‐218‐006‐MY2, Preventive
Replacement Models with Cumulative Repair Cost limit for a two‐unit system under
failure rate interaction between units, NT. 1,010,000, 2011/8‐‐2013/7.
Entrusted Practical
Metal Industries Research & Development Center, No: 321040331, SME Towards Industrial 4.0 Integrated
Planning, NT. 72,000, 2015/-2015/10.
2. Metal Industries
Research & Development Center, No:
321040331 & 321030283, Steam Turbine Parts
Manufacturing Service and ICT Innovation Integration Plan, NT. 192,000, 2014/5-2014/10.
Metal Industries Research & Development Center, No: 321020210, Improve the
application of knowledge plan of automobiles cluster industry, NT. 72,000,2013/6-2013/11.
4. Metal Industries
Research & Development Center, No:
321000059, Diagnosis of production processes and inventory management
improvement, NT. 60,000, 2011/8-2011/12.
Professional Certifications
Business Intelligence Planners, No: BIP11CE00608,
Chinese Enterprise Resource Planning Society, 2011/03.
MOS ‐Excel 2007 Expert, No: 6688601, Microsoft
Corporation/Elite Information Technology
Company, 2010/05.
MOS‐Word 2007 Expert, No:
6688601, Microsoft Corporation/Elite Information Technology Company, 2010/05.
MOS‐PowerPoint 2007 Expert, No: 6688601, Microsoft Corporation/Elite
Information Technology Company, 2010/05.
MOS‐Outlook 2007 Expert, No: 6688601, Microsoft
Corporation/Elite Information Technology
Company, 2010/05.
Microsoft Office 2007 Master, No: 6688601,
Microsoft Corporation/Elite Information Technology Company, 2010/05.
IC3 Certification, CERTIPORT, 2009/10.
Academic and Professional Service
- Reviewer, Journal of the Operational Research
Society, 2016/06-2016/07.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production
Research, 2016/01-2016/02.
- Chief‐Editor, Journal of Southern Taiwan University
of Science and technology, Engineering(Social Science Edition), 2016/01-.
- Chief‐Editor, Journal of Southern Taiwan University
of Science and technology, Engineering(Engineering Science Edition), 2016/01-.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production
Research, 2015/12-2016/01.
- Review committee member, Teachers literary
work upgrade, Ling Tung University, 2015/10-2015/11.
- Self‐evaluation committee member, Department
of Business Administration, Vanung
University, 2015/08-2015/09.
- Self‐evaluation committee member, Department
of Business Administration, Nan Kai
University of Technology, 2015/03-2015/12.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Systems
Science‐Operations & Logistics, 2015/02-2015/03.
- Reviewer, Journal of Quality in Maintenance
Engineering, 2014/12-2015/01.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production
Research, 2014/10-2014/12.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production
Research, 2014/09-2014/11.
- Chief‐Editor, Journal of Southern Taiwan University
of Science and technology, Engineering, 2014/08-2015/12.
- Faculty Development committee member, college
of Management, Ming‐Hsin University of Science and Technology, 2014/06-2014/07.
- Reviewer, Reliability Engineering & System
Safety, 2014/06-2014/07.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Systems
Science‐Operations & Logistics, 2014/06-2014/07.
- Courses committee member, college of
Management, Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, 2014/05-2014/06.
- Reviewer, Journal of Quality in Maintenance
Engineering, 2014/05-2014/06.
- Reviewer, European Journal of Operational Research,
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production
Research, 2014/04-2014/05.
- Review committee member, Teachers literary
work upgrade, Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology, 2014/04-2014/04.
- Review committee member, Teachers literary
work upgrade, Ministry of Education, 2013/11-2013/12.
- Chairman, Chinese Society Service
Management, 2013/10 until now.
- Review committee member, Teachers literary
work upgrade, Ministry of Education, 2013/03-2013/04.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Systems Science,
- Review committee member, 2013 year NSC
Projects, 2013/03-2013/04.
- Session Chair, 2013 Industry Innovation and
Technology Management Conference, 2013/01, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Systems Science,
- Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production
Research, 2012/11-2013/01.
- Review committee member, Teachers literary
work upgrade, National Penghu University of Science and Technology, 2012/11-2012/12.
- Review committee member, Teachers literary
work upgrade, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, 2012/11-2012/12.
- Best Paper Reviewer and Session Chair, 2013
International Conference on the Development
and practice of
Enterprise Resource management,
2012/10 -2013/01.
- Session Chair, 2012 the 8th Conference on
Theories and Practices in International Business, 2012/10, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Committee Member, Project Evaluation of 101
school year College of Technology, 2012/09-2012/10.
- Reviewer, Commerce and Management, 2012/07-2013/08.
- Session Chair, 2012 International
Conference on Business and Information, 2012/07, Sapporo, Japan.
- Reviewer, European Journal of Operational
Research, 2012/06-2012/09
- Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
- Reviewer, Commerce and Management, 2012/04-2013/05.
- Review committee member, Teachers literary
work upgrade, Ministry of Education, 2012/01-2012/02.
- Review committee member, Teachers literary
work upgrade, Vanung University, 2011/12-2011/12.
- Director, Chinese Society for Management of
Technology in Kaohsiung, 2011/01- 2013/01.
- Session Chair, 2011, the 7th Conference on Theories
and Practices in International
- Business, 2011/10, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Reviewer, Communications in Statistics ‐
Theory and Methods, 2011/09-2011/12.
- Secretary‐General, Chinese Society Service Management,
- Advisory Committee, Department of
International Business in Chang Jung Christian University, 2011/08-2012/07.