Hsing-Ping Kuo
Hsing-Ping Kuo (郭幸萍)

Department of Business Administration
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
No. 1, Nan-Tai Street, Yongkang Dist.,
Tainan 71005, Taiwan
EMAIL: 886-6-2533131 ext. 4533
FAX: 886-6-2422460
EMAIL: hpkuo@mail.stust.edu.tw
n PhD, Major in Management Sciences, College of Management,
Department of Business Administration, National Chung Kung University,
n Master, Major in
Health Service Administration, College of Management,
Department of Health Service Administration, China
Medical University,
Area of Specialty
Marketing management, Consumer Behavior,
Service Marketing, Health Service
Academic Experience
n Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration,
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
2010/03 to present
n Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Southern
Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2004/08
to 2010/02
n Instructor, Department of Business Administration, Southern Taiwan
of Science and Technology, 2001/8 to 2004/07
Peer reviewed
journal papers:
Wu, Kang-Li & Kuo, Hsing-Ping (2013), Key Factors Influencing the Decision Making of Contracting Out of
Cultural Heritages from the Viewpoint of Public-Private Partnership: Multiple
Group Analysis.. Journal
of Architecture. (Accepted, in Chinese)
Kuo, Hsing-Ping, & Wu, Kang-Li(2013), The Potential of Cultural Heritage
Tourism to Promote Sustainable Urban Development: The Case of Tainan City.. Applied Mechanics and Materials. (in Press)
Kuo, Hsing-Ping, & Wu, Kang-Li(2012), The Influence of Service Attributes on Customer Behavioral
Intentions in the Bed and Breakfast Industry: Using Relationship Quality as a
Mediate Variable. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study, 25(4): 51-78. (in
Kuo, Hsing-Ping, Wu, Wann-Yih and Peng, Yi-Lung
Peng (2012), A study of the relationship between customer relationship
management contents and benefits in hospitals: An application of fuzzy set
theory. African Journal of Business Management, 14(6): 4835-4847.
Kuo, Hsing-Ping & Lu, Hsin-I (2010), The
Influence of Advertising Appeals for Real Estate Agencies on the Consumer's
Brand Choice. Journal of Housing studies, 19(2): 1-28.(in Chinese)
Kuo, Hsing-Ping(2010), Fuzzy Comprehensive
Evaluation Applied in the Performance Assessment of Service Quality of
Insurance Companies in Taiwan. The Journal of American Academy of Business,
16(1): 84-92.【ABI/INFORM、EBSCO, CABELL'S and ULRICH'S DIRECTORIES of Refereed Publications】
Kuo, Hsing-Ping(2009), Fuzzy Synthetic
Evaluation Model Applied to the Performance Assessment and Strategic
Recommendations of Service Quality for Real Estate Agencies. Journal of Housing
studies, 18(2): 45-68.(in Chinese)
Kuo, Hsing-Ping & Tsai, Yi-Chin (2009),
The Relationships Between Service Attributes, and Behavioral Intentions for the
Real Estate Brokerage. The Business Review, 14(1): 272-279. 【ABI/INFORM、EBSCO,
CABELL'S and ULRICH'S DIRECTORIES of Refereed Publications】
Kuo, Hsing-Ping(2008), The Application of the
Scenario Analysis Approach for the Hospital Operation and Management Strategy.
Hospital, 41(1): 1-11.(in Chinese)
Wu, Kang-Li, Kuo, Hsing-Ping, Zaho, You-Chan(2007), Developing a Comprehensive
Evaluation Framework for the Environmental Regeneration of Historical Street
Districts: The Experience of the Fu-Chung Street District.. Journal of
Architecture, 62: 1~22. (in Chinese)
Granted by National Science Council, No: NCS 95-2416-H-218-006
, “Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Studying the Key Factors Influencing the
Reuse and Selecting Investors of Historical Building.” 2006/08/01-2007/07/3
reviewed proceedings
Kang-Li, KUO, Hsing-Ping(2006, October), ”The Relationship between
Environmental Design Elements and Chinese Homeplace Identity: A Study of the
Search for Chinese Homeplace Identity by Young First-generation Chinese
Immigrans in the San Francisco.” Proceedings
of Academic Conference on
International Forum on Urbanism 2006, Beijing, China.
Kuo,Hsing-Ping & Wu, Kang-Li(2006, June), “A Study of the Key Factors
Influencing Public-Private Partnership for the Revitalization and Reuse of
Historical Buildings.” Proceedings of Academic Conference
on 2006
Joint AsRES - AREUEA International Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Kang-Li & Kuo, Hsing-Ping (2006,
June), “Application of the scenario-analysis in ECO-community planning and
marketing: A Study of Taiwan Experience”. Proceedings
of Academic Conference on 2006
Joint AsRES - AREUEA International Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Kang-Li & Kuo, Hsing-Ping(2005, July), “Marketing Eco-community under the
Trend of Globalization: A Study of Taiwan Experience.”, Proceedings of Academic Conference on the 10th Asian Real Estate Society
(AsRES), Sydney, Australia.
Peer reviewed paper presentations
1. Wu, Kang-Li, Kuo, Hsing-Ping (2013). Eco-community or Gated Communities: A Critical Examination of the
New Ecological Community Development in Taiwan and China. 2013 29th Annual American Real
Estate Society Meeting. USA, Hawaii.
Kuo, Hsing-Ping, Wu, Kang-Li(2013). The Potential of Cultural Heritage Tourism to Promote Sustainable
Urban Development: The Case of Tainan City. 2013 International Conference on
Energy Engineering and Environment Engineering(ICEEEE 2013),
China Hangzhou.
Kuo, Hui-Ting
& Kuo, Hsing-Ping(2012), The influence on the health
concept to the purchase intention for the health foolds for the different
generations. The 15th East Asian Forum for Nursing Scholars (EAFONS), Singapore.
Kuo,Hsing-Ping, Wu, Kang-Li & Ho, I-Yin
(2011, July), “The Relationship between the Antecedent Factors of Relationship
Quality and Customer Loyalty on the Real Estate Brokerage Industry.”
Proceedings of Academic Conference on 2011 AsRES & AREUEA Joint
International Conference, Korea, Jeju.
Kuo,Hsing-Ping (2009, July), “Fuzzy Comprehensive
Evaluation Applied in the Performance Assessment of Service Quality of Real
Estate Agency.” Proceedings of Academic Conference on the 14th AsRES Annual
Conference & Joint 2009 AsRES-AREUEA Internationl Conference, USA, Los
Kuo,Hsing-Ping, Tsai, Yi-Chin(2008, July), “The
relationship linking service attributes, and behavioral intentions on the real
estate brokerage industry.”, Proceedings of Academic Conference on the 13th
Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) International Conference, China, Shanghai.
Kuo, Hsing-Ping(2004), “The Relationship between Human Resource Management Practices, Employee
Commitment, and Operational Performance in the Healthcare Institutions:A
Combinative Application of Fuzzy Set Theory and Grey System Theory, Ph.D.
Dissertation, National Chung Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan.
Acadmic Service
n Reviewer, Journal of Healthcare Management, 2011/10~2011/11.
n Reviewer, Journal of Housing Studies, 2011/01~2011/12.
Professional Certifications
n Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC³) (Certiport)
NO:YmCf-kx2z (2008/01)