研究室:S棟 2樓
E-mail: Lai1962@mail.stust.edu.tw

2009/01 ~ 迄今 南台科技大學商管學院院長2008/08~2008/12南台科技大學管理學院院長2008/02~2008/07 南台科技大學企業管理系教授兼主任2003/08~2008/01
南台科技大學企業管理系副教授兼主任2003/01~2003/07 南台科技大學管理與資訊副教授1996/02~2002/12南台科技大學工業管理系副教授兼總務
長1992/08~1996/01 南台工商專科學校工業工程與管理科 副教授兼科主任1991/08~1992/07南台工商專科學校企業管理科副教授兼科主任1990/08~1991/07 中華工學院工業管理系 副教授1988/08~1990/07萬能工商專科學校工業工程與管理科講師
- 彭巧珍、蘇榮裕、蘇家愷、林美蘭、蘇建郡、賴明材, 依據渥太華五大行動綱領設計之大學職場健康促進方案規劃及成效, 南臺學報社會科學類, 第 5 卷第2期, 頁22-40, 2021.
- Berlilana Berlilana, Taqwa Hariguna, Min-Tsai Lai, Effects of Relationship Quality on Citizen Intention Use of E-government Services: An Empirical Study of E-government System, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8(6), pp.5127-5133, 2018.
- Min-Tsai Lai, A bivariate replacement policy for system in an increasing failure rate model with double repair cost limits, International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 11(3-4), pp.220-237, 2017. [EI] MOST 104-2410-H-218-012-MY2
- Min-Tsai Lai and Chung-Ho Chen, Optimal replacement period with cumulative repair cost limit under a cumulative damage model, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 26(1), pp.133-147, 2017. [EI] MOST 104-2410-H-218 -012 -MY2
- Min-Tsai Lai, Chung-Ho Chen and Taqwa Hariguna, A bivariate optimal replacement policy with cumulative repair cost limit for a two-unit system under shock damage interaction, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 31(2), pp.353-372, 2017. [SCI] MOST 103-2410-H-218-005.
- Taqwa Hariguna, Min-Tsai Lai, Chung-Wen Hung and Shih-Chih Chen, Understanding information system quality on public e-government service intention: an empirical study, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 11(2-3), pp.271-290, 2017.
- Nguyen Xuan Tho, Min-Tsai Lai, Huey Yan, The Effect of Perceived Risk on Repurchase Intention and Word–of–Mouth in the Mobile Telecommunication Market: A Case Study from Vietnam, International Business Research, 10(3), pp.8-19, 2017.
- Taqwa Hariguna; Min-Tsai Lai; Shih-Chih Chen, An Empirical Study on the Impact of Information System Quality on Software as a Service, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 8(3), pp.43-54, 2016.
- Conference Papers
- 吳美吟、賴明材, 體驗行銷、餐廳服務品質對體驗價值與再消費意願之影響─以東東餐飲企業為例, 2020 第十七屆服務業管理暨創新研討會, 2020/06, 台南, 台灣.
- Min-Tsai Lai, Two-Criteria Replacement Policy with Cumulative Repair Cost Limit for Two-Unit System Subject to Failure Rate Interaction, 2018 Asia-Pacific Conference on Management and Business, 2018/09, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Min-Tsai Lai, Two -Parameter (n,T) Replacement Policy with Repair Cost Limit under Cumulative Damage Model, 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM 2018) & 2018 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2018), 2018/08, Qingdao, Shandong, China.
- 郭任璁、賴明材, 社會支持、內外控人格特質、知覺屈就與留任意願之關係, 2018 第十五屆服務業管理暨創新研討會,2018/05, 台南, 台灣.
- Min-Tsai Lai and Nguyen Xuan Tho, A Bivariate Replacement Policy for a System with Double Repair Cost Limits, 2017 World Conference on Innovation, Engineering, and Technology (IET 2017), 2017/06, Kyoto, Japan. [Outstanding Paper Award]
- Min-Tsai Lai and Taqwa Hariguna, Optimal (T,n) Replacement Policy with Cumulative Repair Cost Limit for a Two-unit System under Shock Damage Interaction, 2017 International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2017W), 2017/02, Tokyo, Japan.
- Computer Skills Foundation, No: 33001080050, Professional License Technology Service Plan for Online Marketing, NT.50,000, 2019/01-2019/07.
- Metal Industries Research & Development Center, No: 321040331, SME Towards Industrial 4.0 Integrated Planning, NT. 72,000, 2015/5-2015/10.
- Metal Industries Research & Development Center, No: 321040331 & 321030283, Steam Turbine Parts Manufacturing Service and ICT Innovation Integration Plan, NT. 192,000, 2014/5- 2014/10.
- Metal Industries Research & Development Center, No: 321020210, Improve the application of knowledge plan of automobiles cluster industry, NT. 72,000,2013/6-2013/11.
Professional Experience
- External Reviewer of the Teacher Teaching Performance Review Committee, Far East University, 2021/06-2021/07
- Reviewer, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021/05-2021/06.
- Reviewer, RAIRO - Operations Research, 2021/05-2021/06.
- Evaluation Committee of the College and University Teaching Quality Assurance Service Plan, Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (TWAEA), 2021/03-2021/07.
- Director, Banyan Garden Statistics Cultural and Educational Foundation, 2021/01-2022/12.
- Reviewer, Far Eastern Journal, 2021/01-2021/02.
- Reviewer, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2020/12-2021/02.
- Reviewer, Annals of Operations Research (ANOR), 2020/12-2021/01.
- Reviewer, Computational Economic, 2020/11-2020/12.
- Reviewer, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020/11-2020/12.
- External Reviewer of the Teacher Teaching Performance Review Committee, Far East University, 2020/11-2021/01.
- Evaluation Committee of the College and University Teaching Quality Assurance Service Plan, Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (TWAEA), 2020/10-2019/12.
- External Self-evaluation School Evaluation Committee member, Vanung University , 2020/09- 2020/09.
- Advisory Committee, Curriculum Committee, Chang Jung Christian University, 2020/08-2021/07.
- Reviewer, RAIRO - Operations Research, 2020/06-2020/07.
- External Self-evaluation committee member, Minghsin University of Science and Technology , 2020/04-2020/05.
- Director, Chinese Management Association-Kaohsiung City Branch, 2020/02-2021/04.
- Reviewer, Computational Economics (CSEM), 2020/02-2020/03.
- Self-operated Quality Assurance Mechanism Review Committee, Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, 2020/03-2020/07.
- Member Representative, Chinese Management Association, 2020/01-2023/12.
- Reviewer, Computational Economics (CSEM), 2019/12-2020/01.
- Reviewer, RAIRO - Operations Research, 2019/12-2020/01.
- Evaluation Committee of the College and University Teaching Quality Assurance Service Plan, Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (TWAEA), 2019/10-2019/12.
- Self-operated Quality Assurance Mechanism Review Committee, Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, 2019/09-2020/01.
- Internal Self-evaluation committee member, Minghsin University of Science and Technology , 2019/08-2019/12.
- Advisory Committee, Curriculum Committee, Chang Jung Christian University, 2019/08-2020/07.
- Reviewer, Computational Economics, 2019/07-2019/07
- Independent director, NANTEX Industry CO., LTD., 2019/06-2022/06.
- Director, Chinese Management Association-Kaohsiung City Branch, 2019/04-2021/04.
- Self-operated Quality Assurance Mechanism Review Committee, Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, 2019/03-2019/07.
- Director, Banyan Garden Statistics Cultural and Educational Foundation, 2019/01-2020/12.
- Reviewer, Transactions on Engineering Management, 2018/10-2018/11.
- Reviewer, American Journal of Operations Research, 2018/08-2018/09.
- Advisory Committee, Curriculum Committee, Chang Jung Christian University, 2018/08-2019/07.
- Director, Chinese Enterprise Resource Planning Association, 2018/05-2020/05 36. Reviewer, Aviation, 2018/04-2018/05.
- Reviewer, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2018/01-2018/01.
- Science and Technology, 2017/12-2018/07.Selection committee member of the fourth president, Southern Taiwan University of
- Self-evaluation committee member, Chang Jung Christian University, 2017/09-2017/10.
- Reviewer, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017/08-2017/10.
- Advisory Committee, College of Management, Chang Jung Christian University, 2017/08- 2018/07.
- Advisory Committee, Curriculum Committee, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, 2017/08-2018/07.
- Faculty Development committee member, college of Management, Chang Jung Christian University, 2017/08-2018/07.
- Session Chair, The 12th Conference on Theory and Practice of Business Internationalization, 2017/06, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production Research, 2017/05-2017/06.
- Director, Chinese Management Association-Kaohsiung City Branch, 2017/04-2019/04.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production Research, 2017/02-2017/03.
- Session Chair, 2017 International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2017W), 207/02, Tokyo, Japan.
- Chairman, Chinese Service Management Association, 2017/01-2020/01.
- Director, Banyan Garden Statistics Cultural and Educational Foundation, 2017/01-2018/12.
- Self-evaluation committee member, National Tainan junior college of Nursing, 2016/12- 2016/12.
- Reviewer, Communications in Statistics--Theory and Methods, 2016/11-2016/12.
- Independent director, NANTEX Industry CO., LTD., 2016/10-2019/06.
- Reviewer, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2016/10-2016/11.
- Reviewer, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016/10-2016/11.
- Reviewer, Journal of Far East University, 2016/09-2016/10.
- Reviewer, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016/08-2016/10.
- Faculty Development committee member, college of Management, Chang Jung Christian University, 2016/08-2017/07.
- Ministry of Education, No: 4B001090032-EDU-1, 2020 Project for Qingyin Co-created, and joined hands to build a smart and friendly community for the elderly, NT.1,000,000, 2020/01- 2020/12.
- Ministry of Education, No: 33001070260-EDUP, 2018 Project for Handling Southeast Asian Languages and Industries (Credits) Programs, NT.500,000, 2018/10-2019/09.
- Council of Agriculture, No: 33001070134-GP, Development of sesame-based and drug testing certificate system based on block-chain, NT. 400,000, 2018/7-2018/11.
- Ministry of Education, No: 731060230-GP, 2017 Project for Handling Southeast Asian Languages and Industries (Credits) Programs, NT.1,000,000, 2017/08-2018/07.
- Ministry of Education, No: 731060198-GP, 2017 Project for enhancing Full-English Degree
- Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2018/8 to present.
- Dean, Office of Academic Affairs, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2014/8 to 2018/07.
- Dean, College of Business, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2009/2 to 2014/07.
- Dean, College of Management, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2008/7 to 2009/1.
- Professor, Department of Business Administration, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2008/2 to present.
- Associate Professor & Chairman, Department of Business Administration, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2003/8 to 2008/1.
- Associate Professor, Department of Management and Information Technology, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2003/1 to 2003/7.
- Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management; Dean of the General Affairs Office, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 1998/8 to 2002/12.
- Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management; Dean of the General Affairs Office, Nan-Tai Institute of Technology, 1996/8 to 1998/7.
- Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Dean of the General Affairs Office, Nan-Tai Junior College, 1996/2 to 1996/7.
- Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Nan-Tai Junior College, 1992/8 to 1996/1.
- Associate Professor& Chairman, Department of Business Administration, Nan-Tai Junior College, Tainan, 1991/8 to 1992/7.
- Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Chung Hua University, 1990/8 to 1991/7.
- Instructor, Department of Industrial Management, Van Nung Institute of Industry, 1988/8 to 1990/7.