Yu-Li Lin (林育理)

Department of Business
Southern Taiwan University
No. 1, Nan-Tai Street,
Yongkang Dist.,
Tainan 71005,
Office: T1238 (: 886-6-2533131 ext.8438 7: 886-6-2533131
+: |
n Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate
School of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2005/06
n Master of Business Administration, Graduate School of Business and Operations Management, Chang Jung Christian University,
n Bachelor of Business Administration,
Department of Business Administration, National
Cheng-Kung University, 1996/06
Area of Specialty
Hierarchical linear Model, Social
network analysis, Service Marketing, Customer Citizenship Behavior.
Academic Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Southern
Taiwan University, 2005/8 to present
reviewed journal papers:
Liu, H-W., Lichung Jen, and Lin,
Yu-Li (2012), A Bayesian Approach to the Inference of Individual
and Segment Level Parameters in Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis, Journal of
Management & Systems, 19(4),673-699. (TSSCI) (in Chinese)
Liu, H-W., Huang, Hengchiang and Lin,
Yu-Li (2009), Asymmetric Effect of Distribution Intensity on Marketing
Performance : The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness, Asia Pacific Management
Review, 14(3), 251-262. (TSSCI)
National Science
Council, No: NSC 99-2410-H-218
-008 -, “An Investigation of the Linkage between Employee and Customer Citizenship
behavior: The Mediation Effects of Trust and Moderation Effects of Service
Encounter,” 2010/8 - 2011/7.
National Science
Council, No: NSC 98-2410-H-218
-017 -, “Theory Development and Empirical Study of the Effect of Team Service
Citizenship Behavior on Service Performance: Integrating Cross Level and Social
Network Analysis,” 2009/8 - 2010/7.
National Science
Council, No: NSC 97-2410-H-218
-008 -, “The Impact of Team Interdependence on Service-Oriented Citizenship
Behavior - A Cross Level approach,” 2008/8 - 2009/7.
NT: 437,000
National Science
Council, No: NSC
96-2416-H-218-016-, “An Integrated Study of Servant Leadership and
Service Performance-Internal Marketing and Interactive Marketing Perspective,”
2007/8 - 2008/7. NT: 417,000
Peer reviewed
Lin, Yu-Li., Yuan-Liang Liu and Pham Dinh
Chien (2012), "User Behavior of Facebook: A Perspective of The Extended
Technology Acceptance Model" The 8 International Conference on
Knowledge-Based Economy & Global Management, October, 29-30, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lin, Yu-Li., Hsiu-Wen Liu and Phuoc-Thi Ngo
(2012), " Prohibitive Voice of Service Worker in Affecting Customer
Procedural Justice and Customer Organizational Citizenship Behaviors" The
8 International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy & Global Management,
October, 29-30, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lin, Yu-Li., Hsiu-Wen Liu and Nguyen Thi
Thanh Thao (2012), " The Relationship among Loyalty, Commitment and
Customer Citizenship Behavior : A field study of shopping mall customers "
The 8 International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy & Global
Management, October, 29-30, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lin, Yu-Li., Liu, Hsiu-Wen and Huynh, Thanh
Phong (2011), “The Role of Electronic Word of Mouth in Pass Along Behavior on
Social Networking Sites” The 7 International Conference on Knowledge-Based
Economy & Global Management, November, 3-4, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lin, Yu-Li., Liu, Hsiu-Wen and Tran Nguyen
Hung (2011), “The Determinants of Franchisee Performance: An Empirical Study in
Vietnam” The 7 International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy & Global
Management, November, 3-4, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lin, Yu-Li., Liu, Hsiu-Wen and Huynh Thi
Truc Lien (2010), “Testing A Hierarchical Service Quality Model : Taking the
Hotel Industry in Vietnam as an Example,” 2010 International Conference on Knowledge-Based
Economy & Global Management, November, 4-5, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lin, Yu-Li., Liu, Hsiu-Wen., Le Nguyen Minh
Khoi and Pei-Feng Chen (2010), “The Hypermarket Customer Loyalty Model,” 2010
International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy & Global Management,
November, 4-5, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lin, Yu-Li., Liu, Hsiu-Wen and Bo-Shiang
Chen (2009), “Job Characteristic and Turnover: The Mediating Role of Employees’
Attitudes,” 2009 International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy &
Global Management, October 22-23, Tainan, Taiwan.
Lin, Yu-Li., Hsiu-Wen Liu and Chang-Ming,
Huang (2009), “Does Trust Mediate the Relationship between Leader Support and
Employee Attitude,” 2009 International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy
& Global Management, October 22-23, Tainan, Taiwan.
10. Lin, Yu-Li., Hsiu-Wen Liu and Nguyen Thi A Tien (2009), “Determinants of Export
Performance: Empirical Evidence from Vietnam’s Export Company,” 2009
International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy & Global Management,
October 22-23, Tainan, Taiwan.
reviewed paper presentations
Lin, Yu-Li and Liu, Hsiu-Wen (2011),
“Service Worker Role in Encouraging Customer Equity: Dyadic Analysis,” 2011
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 9-11, Houston, USA.
Hsiu-Wen and Lin, Yu-Li (2011),
“How do E-Commerce Interfaces Affect Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty?” 2011
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 9-11, Houston, USA.
Lin, Yu-Li and Liu, Hsiu-Wen (2009), “The
Impact of Team Interdependence on Service Performance: A Cross Level Approach,”
2009 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 4-6, Michigan, USA.
Hsiu-Wen and Lin, Yu-Li
(2009), “The Antecedent, Mediating and Moderating Factors of Service Brand Love
: A Cross-Level Research,” 2009 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 4-6,
Michigan, USA.
Lin, Yu-Li and Liu, Hsiu-Wen (2008), “An
Empirical Study of Servant Leadership and Service Performance,” 2008 INFORMS
Marketing Science Conference, June 12-14, Vancouver, Canada.
Hsiu-Wen and Lin, Yu-Li
(2008), “A Conjoint Model For Finding Segments and Heterogeneity Based on
Individual Preference,” 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 12-14,
Vancouver, Canada.
Lin, Yu-Li (2005) “Organizational
Knowledge Activities Climate as Antecedent Of Employees Knowledge Activities
Behavior in Workplace-A Cross Level Analysis,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Yuan Ze University.
Acadmic Service
n Reviewer, Journal of Management
& Systems, 2010/04-2010/08.
n Reviewer, Journal of Business Administration, 2011/04-2011/06.
Professional Certifications
n Internet
and Computing Core Certification (IC³) (Certiport) NO:YmCf-kx2z (2008/01)