Huang (黃經智)

Department of Business Administration
Southern Taiwan University of Science
and Technology
No. 1, Nan-Tai Street, Yongkang Dist.,
Tainan 71005, Taiwan
Office: T1236
886-6-2533131 ext. 8436
FAX: 886-6-2422420
n Ph. D., Major in Strategic Management, Graduate Institute of Business
Administration, National Chung Cheng University, 2007/1
n Master, Major in Human Resource Management, Graduate Institute of Business
Administration , National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 1999/6
of Specialty
Strategic Management, Human Resource
Management, Organization Behavior
Academic Experience
n Assistant
Professor, Department of Business Administration, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2007/2 to present
Journal Papers:
1. Jen-Jen Tseng and Ching-Chih
Huang (2004), The Effects of Social Capital and Information-Using Intention
Within Virtual Community, Web Journal of
Chinese Management Review, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 63-76. (in Chinese)
2. Ching-Chih Huang (2001), Critical Factors for Business Organization in Building
Web-based Training, Human Resource
Development Monthly, Iss.165, 1-13. (in Chinese)
Conference Papers:
Ching-Chih Huang, Yun-Mei Yen and Mei-Chih Lin (2012), The Application of Fuzzy AHP in the
Study of Criteria in Head Nurse Selection, 10th Conference of Corporate
Philosophy and Value Creation of New Century, Department of Business
Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University. (in Chinese)
Ching-Chih Huang, Hui-Ting Lee and I-Chun Wang (2012), The Effects of Diversification and
Internationalization on the Strategies of Language Training, 10th
Conference of Corporate Philosophy and Value Creation of New Century,
Department of Business Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University. (in Chinese)
Ching-Chih Huang and Shin-Shin Huang (2012), The Application of Data Mining to Customer
Value Analysis in the Food Industry, 9th Conference of Service
Management & Innovation, College of Management of Southern Taiwan
University.(in Chinese)
Ching-Chih Huang and I-Chun Wang (2012), Base on the Stage of Internationalization to
Analyze the Strategies of Language Management, 9th Conference of
Service Management & Innovation, College of Management of Southern Taiwan
University.(in Chinese)
Kuo-Wei Lee, Ching-Chih Huang and Prasitpornphakdee
Thidarat (2011), Tangible and Intangible Factors Affecting Thai Consumer
Behavior in Online Shopping for Clothes, 2011 International Conference On
Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management, College of Management of
Southern Taiwan University. (in English)
Ching-Chih Huang and Kuo-Ming Chang (2011), A Study on the Factors Influencing the Users'Intention in Electronic Interview, 2011 Global
Business Management Conference, Cheng Shiu University. (in Chinese)
Ching-Chih Huang and Yan-Shing Huang (2010), Losing
Face? A study of the Face Theory on Entrepreneurial Intention, 2010 New
Paradigms of Management Academic Conference, National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology. (in Chinese)
Ching-Chih Huang and Cheng-An Chiu (2010),
Experiential and Agent Learning on Expansion Intention, 2010 Conference of 2nd
Southern Taiwan Master Thesis of Management, Chang Jung Christian University.
(in Chinese)
Ching-Chih Huang and Chi-Yu Huang (2009), Reciprocal or Kindness: The Relationship among
Organizational Support, Affective Commitment, and SOCB -- An Example of
Contracted Employees, 2009 New Paradigms of Management Academic Conference, National
Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (in Chinese)
Ching-Chih Huang and Melinda Gunawan (2009), Applicant Reactions to Employment Interview,
2009 International Conference On Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management,
College of Management of Southern Taiwan University. (in English)
Ching-Chih Huang and Phi Thi Hong Hanh (2009), Effects of Team-Related Factors on Team
Performance: Example of Student Teams, 2009 International Conference On
Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management, College of Management of
Southern Taiwan University. (in English)
Pi-Hui Kuo, Ching-Chih Huang (2008), Improve
Devices Operation Familiarity of Nursing Staff in Surgery Room, 2008
International Conference on Medical Quality and Management, Department of
Medical Industry and Technology Administration, Chung Shan Medical University. (in
Ching-Chih Huang, Keshin Tswei, Ching Horng (2006), Integration and Autonomy: The Effect
of Knowledge Flow on the Performance of Merger and Acquisition, Asia Pacific
Management Conference ⅩⅡ-2006, Asian Institute of
Technology, Tailand, pp. 1328-1336. (in English)
Huang, Ching-Chih (2007), “The
Impact of Resource Attributes and Dynamic Capabilities on Merger &
Acquisition Performance,” Ph.D.
Dissertation, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-yi County, Taiwan.
Granted by Industrial Development Bureau,
Ministry of Economic Affairs based on 2010
SMEs Real-time Technical Assistance Program, No: 320980350, “Building Web-based
Training System in Heat Treatment Industry,” 2010/6/25-2010/11/24.
Granted by Industrial Development Bureau,
Ministry of Economic Affairs based on 2010
Caring Program of the academic to assist SMEs, No: 320980444, “Application
of Data Mining in customer loyalty and value analysis,” 2010/7/1-2010/12/31.
Granted by Industrial Development Bureau,
Ministry of Economic Affairs based on 2010
Industrial Area Restructuring and Upgrading Program, No: 320990163, “Enterprise
Lean manufacturing and Reform Program,” 2011/1/1-2011/5/31.
Granted by Industrial Development Bureau,
Ministry of Economic Affairs based on 2011
Caring Program of the academic to assist SMEs, No: 321000054, “Technical
Assistance to the Garment Business on Cross-industry Alliance and Integrated
Marketing,” 2011/8/1-2011/12/31.
5. Granted
by Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs based on 2011 Caring Program of the academic to
assist SMEs, No: 320990442, “Technical Assistance to Clothing and Dress
sales Business on integrated marketing planning,” 2011/7/1-2011/12/31.
n SGS Certified Training Supervisor, Certification No. PCC1000058, SGS Taiwan Ltd., 2011/4.
n SGS Certified Professional Tutor, Certification No. PCC1000057, SGS Taiwan Ltd., 2011/4.
Professional Experience
Training Administrator, Training & Development Section,
Human Resource Department, D-Link Corporation, Hsinchu Science Park, 1999/12 to
Training Specialist, Human Resource Department, Core Pacific Securities,
Taipei, 1999/9 to 1999/11.
Professional Service
n Consultant of Entrepreneurial Counseling
Center, Innovation and Development Department of National Association of small
& Medium Enterprises, R. O. C, 2009/8 to 2013/12.
n Entrepreneurial Consultant of
National Youth Commission, R. O. C., 2012/4-2011/12.
n Entrepreneurial Consultant of Youth
Career Development Association, R. O. C., 2010/4-2011/12.