

黃峰蕙 副教授
研究室:S 3 308-4
電話:(06)253-3131 4523



  • Major in Operations Research/ Management Sciences School of Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, USA
  • School of Industrial Engineering Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, USA
  • 成功大學工業管理學士,台南



  • 南台科技大學企管系副教授
  • 嘉南藥理學院化妝品應用與管理系副教授
  • 中正大學企業管理系副教授
  • 高雄工學院 工業管理系副教授
  • 奧大助教, 研究助理
  • 成大工業管理系助教






  1. Emilie Le Caous, and Fenghueih Huarng (2021, Feb.) "Economic Complexity and Human Development: Moderated by Logistics and International Migration," Sustainability, 13 (4), 1867. (SSCI) 
  2. Emilie Le Caous, and Fenghueih Huarng (2020, March) "Economic Complexity and the Mediating Effects of Income Inequality: Reaching Sustainable Development in Developing Countries," Sustainability, 12 (5), 2089. (SSCI) 
  3. 黃峰蕙、鄭天浚、林雅芬(2016)。反彈復甦力、工作適應與心理福樂安適關係之研究-以某醫學中心為例。南臺學報社會科學類。1(2),1-23. 



  1. Fenghueih Huarng , Emilie Le Caous (2020, Nov.) "A Review of Logistics Performance and its Impact on Development," The 16th International Conference on Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management, Tainan, Taiwan. 
  2. Emilie Le Caous, Fenghueih Huarng (2019, Nov.) "Economic Complexity and its Effects on Human Development: Moderated by Gender Inequality and Environmental Sustainability," 2019 International Conference on Design with Intelligence and Humanity, Yulin, Taiwan. 1 / 2 
  3. Fenghueih Huarng , Emilie Le Caous (2019, Nov.) "Economic Complexity, Human Development, Tainan, Taiwan. and the Mediating Role of Income Inequality," The 15th International Conference on Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management, Tainan, Taiwan. 
  4. Fenghueih Huarng, Yann Floc'h, and Emilie Le Caous (2018, Nov.) "Exploring the Relationship between Secondary Education and Economic Growth Using Education Gender Inequalities as a Moderator," The 14th International Conference on Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management, Tainan, Taiwan. 
  5. Emilie Le Caous, Fenghueih Huarng (2017, Nov.) “Can Economic Complexity be a Predictor of Entrepreneurial Activity?” the 13th International Conference on Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management, Tainan, Taiwan. 
  6. Fenghueih Huarng,Emilie Le Caous, Katy Tang, Maureen Jennifer Florencia Akinotcho (2016, Nov.) “Influence of Women's Traits on TheirEntrepreneurial Intent: Using Hierarchical Linear Model,” the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-based Economy and Global Management, Tainan, Taiwan. 



  1. 黃峰蕙 (2017) 。106學年度第1學期學術倫理課程發展計畫-研究方法與學術倫理。No: 321060174-GP-4。



  1. 雙重目標下網路流量規劃”, 國科會專題研究計劃, 主持人, NSC 82-0115-E-194-031, 1994.
  2. 以模糊集群分析探討物料管理類型之影響:以國內醫院資材系統為例”,國科會專題研究計劃, 主持人, NSC 85-2416-H-194-009, 1997.
  3. 啟發式演算法及目標規劃法混合應用於護士排班之研究”, 國科會專題研究計劃, 主持人, NSC 87-2213-E-194-022, 1998.
  4. 物件導向式電腦輔助排課系統”,國科會專題研究計劃, 主持人, NSC 87-2416-H-194-008, 1998.
  5. 臺灣地區非營利組織管理之研究- 非營利醫療機構的策略和績效之探討”, 國科會專題研究計劃, 共同主持人, NSC 87-2416-H-194-008, 1998.
  6. 醫院存貨管理之研究”, 國科會專題研究計劃,主持人, NSC 88-2416-H-194-023, 1999.
  7. 臺灣地區非營利組織管理之研究II- 我國醫療機構的策略聯盟和網路組織探討”,國科會專題研究計劃, 共同主持人, NSC 88-2416-H-194-018-E18, 1999.
  8. 全面品質管理對我國醫院醫療品質影響之研究”, 國科會專題研究計劃,主持人, NSC 89-2416-H-194-001, 2000.
  9. 全面品質管理哲學與方法對品質績效的相關性研究“, 國科會專題研究計劃, 主持人, NSC 89-2416-H-041-002.
  10. 全面品質管理對我國醫療機構之醫療品質影響之研究-II“, 國科會專題研究計劃, 共同主持人, NSC 89-2416-H-194-063.
  11. 台灣醫院門診掛號系統之研究同時考量現掛與預約”, 國科會專題研究計劃, 主持人, NSC 90-2416-H-218-002.
  12. 台灣醫院門診掛號系統之研究II─同時考量現掛與預約”, 國科會專題研究計劃, 主持人, NSC 91-2416-H-218-002.
  13. 台灣醫院門診掛號系統之研究III─同時考量現掛與預約”, 國科會專題研究計劃, 主持人, NSC 92-2416-H-218-002.
  14. 恐懼訴求的陳述順序及正負性對廣告態度影響之研究:比較ELMEPPM模式之干擾變數”, 國科會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 94-2416-H-218-003.



  1. Algorithms for Bicriteria Network Flow Problems, Ph.D Dissertation, Uinversity of klahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA,1991.
  2. 產品可靠度允收測試及成本分析” (施勵行與黃峰蕙合著), 品質管制月刊, 28, 3, p. 30-39, 1992.
  3. “ISO 9000對台灣企業之助益”(黃峰蕙與李秀華合著), 品質管制月刊, 31, 2, pp. 28-30, 1995.
  4. 生產與作業管理, (黃峰蕙、施勵行與林秉山合著), 三民書局,86.
  5. “Integer Goal Programming Model for Nursing Scheduling: A Case Study” (F. Huarng), In: Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Hagen (Germany), Lecture Notes in Economic and Mathematical System 448, Springer, pp. 634-643, 1997, Feb.
  6. 台灣中小企業推行ISO 9000之實證研究”(黃峰蕙與鄭聰傑合著), 品質管制月刊, 34, 2, pp. 42-48, 1998, April.
  7. "推行ISO 9000對製造績效之影響︰比較中小企業與大企業之實證研究" (黃峰蕙與陳彥銘合著), 品質管制月刊, 35, 4, pp. 79-85, 1999, June.